General Subjects
ADS-B Out & In

- Certificate for completed training in ADS-B
- Fresh explainer videos
- Offline/Online App
ADS-B In & Out Training is yet another great and informative course that Scandlearn provides. You can't afford to miss utilising the latest technology to keep your crew safe during a flight. Using our unique courseware content you will cover all important aspects of ADS-B In and Out. Such as the following:
- Mode S Transponders
- ADS-B Explained
- Worldwide Implementation
- The significance of the required ADS-B In and Out equipment
Do you want to improve safety for your staff? Of course! Then look no further. Scandlearn shares your concerns and through our didactic approach to learning. We give your crew the required knowledge to go about their duties with confidence and more importantly with safety in mind.
- ADS-B explained
- Mode S transponders
- Worldwide implementation
- Meaning of ADS-B Out and In
- Equipment required
1. Out & In
26 min 47 parts 20 questions
ADS-B Out & In
10 min 20 questions
36 min
General Subjects
1 module
Initial and recurrent
Appstore and Google Play
Course renewal: 12 months
- Question pool
Applicable for:
Flight Crew
Our course closely follows the EASA regulations but is also suitable for operators complying with other standards globally.

Pay-as-you-go plan with full access to all courses. Pay only for what you use.
Discounted rate: €25*
*A valid Evolve LMS license is required for this discount to apply. Learn more.

Unlimited access to our entire courseware library, flat monthly fee.
Discounted rates*
*A valid Evolve LMS license is required for this discount to apply. Learn more.

Buy one-time access to this course from Scandlearn.
Standard rate: €50
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