General Subjects
All-Weather Operations (AWO)

- To increase global aviation safety.
- Get the knowledge and understanding of procedures in regards to All Weather Operation and the regulatory framework that governs AWO.
- Help you feel confident and in control of the new concept and technological advancement with clear visuals of the updates 2022.
Upon completing this course in All Weather Operations (AWO), the student should have good knowledge and understanding of the procedures regarding AWO and its regulatory framework. The training goals are to increase flight crews' awareness of what to expect and to increase the efficiency of operating under such conditions.
We want to increase the flight crew's understanding of the AWO concept and aim to strengthen global aviation safety.
Scandlearns' mission is to support the safe, efficient, and consistent implementation of the AWOs on a global scale based on common operational concepts and foster safety and efficiency gains that new technologies and operational concepts offer.
This one-of-a-kind online training will help you feel confident and in control of the new concepts and technological advancements, including the recent updates of October 2022.
- Introduction
- Operations with operational credits
- Aerodrome Part 2
- AWO Take-off Operations
- Different approach operations
- Approach classification system
- Aerodrome Part 1
- Determining factors for certain operations
- Instrument approach operations
- Basic requirements for the aeroplane and flight crew
1. Read before taking the All Weather Operations course
7 min 4 parts
2. Introduction
21 min 19 parts 5 questions
3. Approach classification system
23 min 21 parts 5 questions
4. Operations with operational credits
20 min 20 parts 5 questions
5. Aerodrome Part 1
24 min 24 parts 5 questions
6. Aerodrome Part 2
26 min 25 parts 5 questions
7. Determining factors for certain operations
16 min 14 parts 5 questions
8. AWO Take-off Operations
15 min 14 parts 5 questions
9. Instrument approach operations
44 min 39 parts 5 questions
10. Different approach operations
24 min 23 parts 5 questions
11. Basic requirements for the aeroplane and flight crew
22 min 25 parts 5 questions
All Weather Operations (AWO)
4 hrs 16 mins
General Subjects
11 modules
Initial and recurrent
Appstore and Google Play
Course renewal: 12 months
- Question pool
Applicable for:
Flight Crew
Our course closely follows the EASA regulations but is also suitable for operators complying with other standards globally.

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*A valid Evolve LMS license is required for this discount to apply. Learn more.

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*A valid Evolve LMS license is required for this discount to apply. Learn more.

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Standard rate: €100
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