Type-Related Training
ATR -500 Difference

- This training is suitable for both winter and tropical runway surface conditions
- The objective to give relevant, reliable information on the runway surface condition.
- Explain the need for and fundamental requirements of the GRF for assessing and reporting runway conditions
- Describe factors that require adjustment for braking and accelerating in order to account for runway conditions
- A standardized method of reporting in relation to airplane performance data.
- Improving the safety of airport operations.
- Complete a Runway Condition Report (RCR) to assess the performance of a take-off and landing
- Summarize the end-to-end process of assessing and reporting runway conditions
- Importance of security and its aims
- Suspicious items
- Security procedures
- Quality assurance system
- Emergency plan
- Demarcated area alcohol and drugs
- Threats prohibited objects
- Country regulations
- National police boards
- International organizations and conventions
- Security restricted areas
1. ATR -500 Difference
17 min 20 parts 11 questions
ATR -500 Difference type related training for flight crew
17 min
Type-Related Training
1 module
Initial and recurrent
Appstore and Google Play
Course renewal: 12 months
- Question pool
Applicable for:
Flight Crew
Our course closely follows the EASA regulations but is also suitable for operators complying with other standards globally.

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Discounted rate: €10*
*A valid Evolve LMS license is required for this discount to apply. Learn more.

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*A valid Evolve LMS license is required for this discount to apply. Learn more.
30-day access including training records and certificates.
Unavailable for individual purchase
This course is only available to organisations with an Evolve LMS account. Learn more.
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