General Subjects
First Aid

- This training is suitable for both winter and tropical runway surface conditions
- The objective to give relevant, reliable information on the runway surface condition.
- Explain the need for and fundamental requirements of the GRF for assessing and reporting runway conditions
- Describe factors that require adjustment for braking and accelerating in order to account for runway conditions
- A standardized method of reporting in relation to airplane performance data.
- Improving the safety of airport operations.
- Complete a Runway Condition Report (RCR) to assess the performance of a take-off and landing
- Summarize the end-to-end process of assessing and reporting runway conditions
First aid knowledge is a necessary skill to possess to assist those in distress during a flight. Scandlearn’s animated First Aid training course gives a visual account of certain medical emergencies that may occur onboard.
Our First Aid training is an interactive course instructing crew on medical treatment that can be applied onboard a passenger aircraft. This course will visually display medical situations, from childbirth to an epileptic seizure, and much more. It is designed as a thorough preparation for practical lessons in the classroom led by a qualified instructor.
- Airsickness
- Asthma
- Concussion
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Heart disease
- Haemorrhage / Bleeding
- Hypoxia
- Recovery/semi-prone position
- Stroke
- Wounds and tetanus
- Allergy/Anaphylactic shock
- Automated External Defibrillator
- CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
- Economy class syndrome
- Fracture
- Heimlich manoeuvre
- Hyperventilation
- Medical equipment on board
- Shock
- Unconsciousness
1. Introduction
3 min 5 parts 1 questions
2. General Knowledge and First Aid
14 min 26 parts 7 questions
3. Skeletal and Muscular Systems
10 min 18 parts 6 questions
4. Nervous System
14 min 29 parts 5 questions
5. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
30 min 56 parts 13 questions
6. Immune System
11 min 22 parts 3 questions
7. Digestive and Urinary Systems
6 min 11 parts 2 questions
8. Diabetes
9 min 18 parts 4 questions
9. Bleeding, Fractures, Concussion
12 min 31 parts 1 question
10. Childbirth
5 min 10 parts 1 question
11. Abdominal Disorders
3 min 6 parts 1 question
12. Burns
11 min 21 parts 4 questions
13. Malaria
7 min 13 parts 3 questions
14. Contamination of the skin/eyes by fuel, hydraulic or other fluids
16 min 25 parts 6 questions
15. Hygiene and Food Poisoning
9 min 26 parts
16. Hypoxia
6 min 17 parts
17. Motion Sickness and Air Sickness
27 min 28 parts 10 questions
18. Death on board
22 min 27 parts 7 questions
First Aid
3 hr 42 min
General Subjects
18 modules
Initial and recurrent
Appstore and Google Play
Course renewal: 12 months
- Question pool
Applicable for:
Flight Crew
Cabin Crew
Our course closely follows the EASA regulations but is also suitable for operators complying with other standards globally.

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