General Subjects
Survival Training

- This training is suitable for both winter and tropical runway surface conditions
- The objective to give relevant, reliable information on the runway surface condition.
- Explain the need for and fundamental requirements of the GRF for assessing and reporting runway conditions
- Describe factors that require adjustment for braking and accelerating in order to account for runway conditions
- A standardized method of reporting in relation to airplane performance data.
- Improving the safety of airport operations.
- Complete a Runway Condition Report (RCR) to assess the performance of a take-off and landing
- Summarize the end-to-end process of assessing and reporting runway conditions
Safety is everything in aviation, but if an accident does happen and there are survivors, then what...? Scandlearn created an in-depth Survival course that demonstrates how to survive a crash (landing) in an unknown environment until rescue comes.
In rare cases, a crash (landing) may unfortunately occur. Therefore it is vital to do everything to 1) crash land the plane as safe as possible; and 2) have adequate knowledge on how to survive after a crash, including first aid, finding food and clean water, and building shelter. Scandlearn’s course discusses survival scenarios of extreme and secluded environments to instil endurance and the ability to help others when only the bare basics are available.
- Survival and emergency equipment on board
- Survival in: polar, jungle, desert and aquatic environments
- Dealing with infections, food rations and wild animals
- Case study: Louis Zamperini
- Full ditching procedures and a touchdown on water
- Hunt, gather, build and help
- Extreme temperatures
1. Introduction
2 min 4 parts 1 question
2. Purpose and Survival Equipment
12 min 32 parts 5 questions
3. Polar Survival
12 min 25 parts 7 questions
4. Jungle Survival
7 min 16 parts 4 questions
5. Desert Survival
8 min 16 parts 5 questions
6. Ditching Procedures
11 min 29 parts 30 questions
Survival training
60 min
General Subjects
6 modules
Initial and recurrent
Appstore and Google Play
Course renewal: 12 months
- Question pool
Applicable for:
Flight Crew
Cabin Crew
Our course closely follows the EASA regulations but is also suitable for operators complying with other standards globally.

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*A valid Evolve LMS license is required for this discount to apply. Learn more.

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*A valid Evolve LMS license is required for this discount to apply. Learn more.

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