General Subjects
Winter operations and Surface contamination training (generic)

- This training is suitable for both winter and tropical runway surface conditions
- The objective to give relevant, reliable information on the runway surface condition.
- Explain the need for and fundamental requirements of the GRF for assessing and reporting runway conditions
- Describe factors that require adjustment for braking and accelerating in order to account for runway conditions
- A standardized method of reporting in relation to airplane performance data.
- Improving the safety of airport operations.
- Complete a Runway Condition Report (RCR) to assess the performance of a take-off and landing
- Summarize the end-to-end process of assessing and reporting runway conditions
In the winter the weather is unpredictable and can pose dangers for flights, but attention also has to be paid to regions where wintry conditions are not as obvious. The impact of wintry weather globally is combined in Scandlearn's Winter Operation and Surface Contamination course.
Cold weather hazards are the primary meteorological cause of aviation incidents and accidents worldwide. Learn how to keep your aircraft, crew and passengers safe with Scandlearn Winter/Cold Weather Operations Course. Cold Weather Operations provides your personnel with knowledge of the concepts, procedures, and guidelines that govern safe operations within a cold-weather environment.
- Icing conditions, responsibilities and certifying an aircraft
- Freezing drizzle/rain
- Small/large droplets
- Failure cases
- Airfoil de-icing system
- Autopilot design
- De/anti-icing Fluids
- Important concepts
- Before takeoff
- Runway conditions
- Supercooled large droplets
- Normal operations
- The engine anti-ice system
- Ice bridging
- Undetected ice on the wing
- The critical surfaces of an aircraft
- Hold-over timetable
- Pre-departure check
- Crosswind calculations
1. Introduction
32 min 60 parts 10 questions
2. Certification Standards
25 min 46 parts 10 questions
3. De/Anti-icing Fluids
35 min 68 parts 10 questions
4. Runway Conditions
38 min 70 parts 10 questions
Winter operations and Surface contamination training (generic)
2 hr 23 min
General Subjects
4 modules
Initial and recurrent
Appstore and Google Play
Course renewal: 12 months
- Question pool
Applicable for:
Flight Crew
Cabin Crew
Ground Crew
Aircraft Maintenance
Our course closely follows the EASA regulations but is also suitable for operators complying with other standards globally.

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